Monday, January 12, 2009

How to Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy - 4 Useful Tips

Women should start to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy so that when the baby is born, they are not going to be left with ugly scars on their bellies. A stretch mark is basically a scar beneath the skin. Just like any scar, it is hard to get rid of, especially since it is not on the surface of the skin. Pregnant women should start preventive measures to avoid developing stretch marks during pregnancy.

Eat Healthy

Pregnant women are advised to eat healthy for baby, but guess what; eating healthy is also a key to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. Eating nutritious food will help promote overall body health which includes healthy skin. Eating right also prevents rapid weight gain which is one of the causes of stretch marks.


Exercise is a key to avoid a burst of weight gain. This will help to make sure that you do not over gain weight. An expecting mother is typically supposed to gain about 25 to 30 pounds.


Drinking plenty of water will naturally hydrate your skin. This will keep it nourished and increase the skins elasticity. You can also use lotions and creams to keep your skin moisturized. Make sure that the product you use is safe for pregnant women and will not cause any harm for the baby.

Natural Supplements

You can also ask your doctor to recommend naturally supplements to take while pregnant. Vitamins A, C and E are will be able to help prevent stretch marks while pregnant.

With these easy ways to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, mothers will not be insecure to wear their bikinis after giving birth. Of course, that is after she gets rid of the baby weight.

Are you looking for an effective way to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy? Visit the Stretch Mark Treatment website to learn more tips on how to remove stretch marks without expensive surgical procedures.

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