Monday, January 12, 2009

Looking for a Way to Get Rid of Ugly Pregnancy Stretch Marks?

Today, 90% of women are prone to pregnancy stretch marks problem. Pregnancy stretch mark occurs during pregnancy because your abdomen gets stretched suddenly and looses its elasticity. Stretch marks are fine lines appearing on your skin. They can appear anywhere –on your buttocks, thighs, breasts, or on your stomach. Stretch marks on breast usually appear during pregnancy because during this period the breasts become bigger and heavier. Pregnancy is not the only the cause of stretch marks on your skin - stretch marks can also be due to puberty or obesity.

Initially, these stretch marks are red or purple in color but with time these lines fade and turn into white lines, whether treated or not. They occur in the middle layer of our skin which is responsible for nourishment. There are many treatments available for removing stretch marks like laser treatment, lotions and dermabrasion or chemical peel.

Pregnancy stretch marks are not at all harmful and can be treated easily by some herbal treatments also. These herbal treatments include daily massage with cocoa butter, olive oil, wheat germ oil. Other home made recipes can also be tried as they can in no way harm your skin. These recipes includes rubbing of apricot scrub on affected areas. Drink plenty of water as water hydrates the skin. Also avoid caffeinated drinks. You should follow a balanced diet of leafy vegetables, fruits and take meals that contain fibers rich in zinc such as nuts and fish, vitamin A, C, D such as carrots, milk etc. Diet and exercise is another way of preventing your skin from stretch marks.

Beside these herbal stretch marks treatments, there are many lotions for pregnancy stretch marks removal. These creams contain vitamin C and vitamin E, which moisturizes your skin. However, it is not evident whether these creams completely remove stretch marks, though for sure they can be used to fade the appearance of lines. Although, these home remedies are not harmful, you should consult your doctor if you are breastfeeding or are pregnant.

Laser surgery is the option, if you want to completely remove stretch marks. Today, technology relating to laser surgery has advanced and resulted into dermabrasion, an effective way of getting rid of unwanted ugly stretch marks.

These stretch marks can be caused at any time of your life. It’s not pregnancy, which is completely responsible for these ugly marks. It can happen to you during puberty, or to a bodybuilder, making muscles bigger and stronger, or with sudden gain or loss of weight.

Pregnancy stretch marks are not a serious problem therefore it is not necessary to run to the doctor for stretch marks removal treatment. Once these stretch marks develop they remain with your skin forever. Only with these preventive measures they will be less noticeable to your eyes. Therefore, you should spare some time to study about these pregnancy stretch marks.

Pregnancy stretch marks could be very ugly and many pregnant women are sacred of these marks, which spoil the look of their belly. Some pregnant women also witness stretch marks on breast. With proper care and information, you can reduce the possibility and extent of pregnancy stretch marks. Stretch marks treatmentsinclude lotions for pregnancy stretch marks removal or laser treatment for stretch mark removal. There are some home remedies too for removing stretch marks. Visit Pregnancy Complications for more information on pregnancy problems, pregnancy symptoms, pregnancy diet, pregnancy exercises, breastfeeding and almost everything related to pregnancy and childbirth.

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